Communicate transparently
As stated by Forbes, trust is always based on open, transparent and truthful communication. This is because if your subordinates start to feel you are not treating them fairly, that you are keeping things from them or somehow manipulating them in the way you communicate, their trust in you will be forever tarnished.
Trust them
Trust is always mutual. If you want your subordinates to trust you and have faith in your skills and opinions, it is imperative you show the same trust towards them. Show them you respect them, let them work independently and trust in their skills.
Show empathy and be open to comments
As a manager, you need to be empathetic towards your team members. Do not just seek to impose your subjective point of view on them, but rather try to understand their point of view and be open to their comments. If you show you do not care about the opinions and attitudes of your employees, you can hardly expect them to trust you.
Don't pretend to be what you are not
What undermines trust the most? Pretending to be something you are not, or claiming expert and indisputable qualities in an area where, in truth, you might have no idea what other people are talking about. Don't try to pose as someone or something you are not. If you don't know something, just admit it: this is definitely better for building credibility than pretending to know something that you really don't.